Short-term therapy to free you from:
Public Speaking Fear
Social Anxiety
Feel Better About Yourself
How would your life be if you were free of these issues? What would you be doing? How would you feel? Integral Eye Movement Therapy and Hypnotherapy are perfect tools for resolving these.
When you are free of this, all sorts of opportunities can open up for you. Addressing the triggers for the fear and neutralising these lets your unconscious mind know you are not under threat, even with all eyes on you. Then you are liberated to develop comfort and presence as a speaker.
Socialising and other activities that mean interacting with others may be fraught with anxiety for you leading to discomfort or avoidance. By dealing with the root causes, beliefs you have about yourself and the world and negative self-talk, you can regain your confidence to be with others in a way that feels right for you.
The time comes when you realise enough is enough. You want to take back control over this part of your life. Whether you are an occasional smoker, smoke heavily or have been smoking for years, like many before you the right approach can help you do it too and in a way that leaves you feeling like a natural non-smoker.
Book a phone call and we’ll talk through what you want to work on. Alternatively, fill in my contact form and I’ll get back to you.
Once we’ve spoken and we decide to work together, I’ll send you my intake form. This gives me more information to develop your treatment plan.
Look forward to getting started. Once I have your form back, we’ll book a day and time that suits you.
A comprehensive approach to stopping smoking that I use with every client who wants to quit. The aim is to get you to the point of feeling like a natural non-smoker in every situation where previously you smoked and justifiably proud that you are no longer enslaved by it.
A 30-day programme to minimise your anxiety and help you identify and embrace your public speaking identity. It combines ono-to-one sessions with self-hypnosis recordings and written materials. When you’ve finished, you might even find yourself actively seeking speaking opportunities.
I have written a number of articles on public speaking anxiety, smoking and other issues such as fear of flying which are published on Hypnotherapy Directory. You can find them here
We underestimate the importance of relaxation to health and wellbeing yet many of us do not know how to relax. Find some unique relaxation and guided imagery MP3s in my shop
Short videos with snippets of interesting information around hypnotherapy, Integral Eye Movement Therapy, human emotions, relaxation, therapy and more. Find them all on this page
Snippets of interesting information
Getting over fear with hypnosis
Can eye movements desensitise negative memories?
About human emotional needs
This is a very common question and one that is difficult to answer with complete accuracy as each person is unique; no two people experience anxiety in the same way and no two people experience fear of public speaking in the same way. My experience however shows that most issues can be resolved within two to four sessions but sometimes one or two more may be needed.
The therapies I do are known as brief therapies; you are meant to experience changes relatively quickly.
I will generally give you something to do between sessions to speed things along and bed down the work we have done in the session. This might be a task we have agreed on, some self-hypnosis or something similar. These things will only take up a small amount of your time, and committing to doing them will be well worth it.
Stop smoking is the exception to this. Most people respond best to a single session and my approach (and that of most therapists) is set up that way. The pre-session exercise I give you to do prepares you to maximise the effects of the therapy session. If needed, you can take a free follow-up session within 3 months of the original session.
As a therapist, I am bound by codes of conduct which include total confidentiality from the moment we speak on the phone to the information you give me on your initial consultation form to all that is said in the sessions. Where you see people’s names attached to testimonials on my site, these people have given their permission to use them.
When you make contact with me, we will first of all have a short phone conversation so I can be sure I can help you. There is no obligation here and it is an opportunity for you to decide whether or not you think you will feel comfortable working with me.
Then I’ll send you my consultation form to complete which you should do to the best of your ability because this gives me lots of information to get a really good picture of what’s going on and where I need to focus the work.
Then we can book your first appointment or in the case of smoking, your single session. The sessions will last approximately 75 minutes (2 hours in the case of smoking) and I have a very comfortable room. By the time you come to see me, I will have a good idea of where to get started with your therapy. I’ll explain anything you need to know and you can ask me any questions you want. You’ll leave that first session feeling that you are getting going on resolving your issue.
Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis (London College of Clinical Hypnosis)
Precision Hypnosis (UncommonKnowledge)
Certificate in Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT Academy & Sonia Richards for Association of IEMT)
Advanced Certificate in Integral Eye Movement Therapy (Roni Matar for Association of IEMT)
Metaphors of Movement Levels 1 & 2 (Mark Andreas, Andreas NLP )
Metaphors of Movement Level 3 (Andrew T Austin)