From Fear to Ease in Public Speaking


Do you try to avoid speaking to an audience at all costs?

Have you foregone a promotion or applying for a particular job because you would need to present more? 

When you do present or give some other kind of talk, do you worry about forgetting your words, having all eyes on you or being judged unfavourably?


There are plenty of courses aimed at helping with fear of public speaking.  There is the very helpful Toastmasters organisation.  There are numerous explanations about why you feel the way you do and tips on how to manage your anxiety.  All of these have their value,  But, unless the part of your mind that triggers the fear is addressed and understands why it isn’t necessary and so can let it go once and for all, any programmes or tips will have limited ongoing effects. 


We have all witnessed the person who speaks with ease in front of an audience.  Can you think of someone whose mode of speaking you envy?  Is there someone you would like to emulate?  This 30 day programme will help you not only overcome your fear of public speaking but also help you identify and embody the kind of speaker you want to be – the one that others admire. 


Through one-to-one sessions, self-hypnosis audio recordings and written materials, the “Easy Speaking” programme will help you to:

  • get rid of that crushing anxiety you feel when speaking before an audience and feel comfortable in your body when speaking

  • home in on the speaking qualities you want to demonstrate

  • embody that identity and how to bring it to life when you need it

  • learn to enjoy getting your ideas and information across

  • get to a place that gives you a springboard to grow and develop as a speaker -0 if you want to.


To summarise, this unique programme consists of:

  • up to 3 focused, personalised one-to-one sessions with a therapist with 20 years’ experience who regular speaks before an audience herself

  • Use of up-to-date methods to free you from your fear

  • Things to do at home between sessions to ‘bed down’ the work we have done

  • Self-hypnosis audios to further solidify the changes

  • Written support materials.

This programme is not about managing your fear.  It is not about how to construct a presentation.  It is the fear that gets in the way.  That’s what you want to address.  Then you can speak in front of people you know, people you don’t know, small groups as well as large groups, at your place of work as well as elsewhere.


Have you ever wondered what your fear of public speaking has cost you? A pay rise?  A business opportunity?  What would it be worth to you to solve this problem once and for all?

With the Easy Speaking programme, not only will you get over your fear but you will also tune in to who you want to be as a presenter or speaker, the qualities you want to demonstrate, and learn how to step into that as soon as you get in front of an audience.  This is how public speaking can become enjoyable, rewarding and even an activity you want to develop.  And if you do, who knows where it might lead you and what opportunities could open up for you. 

There is no reason for you to suffer any more. Make ease with public speaking another string to your bow.

“Within only a few sessions, I felt the positive impacts of the programme and the fear of speaking disappearing which I didn’t think would be possible. I now feel more compelled to put myself forward for speaking opportunities which I would never have done so before. I can’t recommend the programme enough.” - Sophie Taylor