Public Speaking Misery
Imagine you have a fear of public speaking. It’s not just lots of people looking at you or bright lights. It’s worse when there are “authority figures” present. You’re afraid of forgetting your message, of not being able to express yourself clearly, of being asked a question you can’t answer. It’s so bad that you don’t apply for jobs that require you to present and you’re not sure about your future career because the work that you could logically do and have trained for, means that you will have to lecture.
This is how a client presented to me. After 2 sessions of Integral Eye Movement Therapy this person wrote to me and said that not only had her fear of public speaking dissipated, but she found herself more confident in other situations where she was previously anxious and that with people in general, she was relating differently - more open to listening and sharing, less guarded and less concerned about being judged negatively for what she said.
Imagine that. After a short time your whole experience of public speaking changing - and other life-enhancing benefits besides.
Fear of public speaking can cause great distress. I have met people who have developed very creative ways of avoiding giving presentations at work. I have met people who have given up university studies because of it and like my client above, have limited their career choices because of it.
And yet, presenting, performing and teaching can be so rewarding. I know this because I have done all of them and still do.
Don’t let yourself suffer a moment longer when there‘s really no need. Whether by means of hypnotherapy or Integral Eye Movment Therapy, this fear is very amenable to change.