The “Easy Speaking” Programme
The “Easy Speaking” programme is a unique 30-day programme. At the end of it, you will approach public speaking with more comfort and ease to the point where you will be able to embody the characteristics and qualities of the kind of speaker you wish to be.
We achieve this through one-to-one in-person sessions, self-hypnosis recordings and written materials. We employ the very effective approaches of Integral Eye Movement Therapy and Hypnotherapy.
Where necessary, we take the ‘bite’ out of old memories and experiences that have left their mark and are still impeding a confident and resourceful feeling around public speaking, as well as addressing personal beliefs around the activity of speaking to an audience and what you might think about your abilities to deliver in the way you want. This might also include dealing with presenting in front of larger groups than you may be used to, and the ubiquitous aversion to having all eyes on you.
People who can benefit from this programme include:
1. The naturally reserved
2. Those who have had upsetting experiences of public speaking
3. Those who are avoiding promotion or taking up a new post because of the requirement to present
4. Those who feel uncomfortable speaking up in meetings
5. Students required to present or undergo a viva in the course of their studies or qualifying requirements
6. Those who are generally confident in other arenas of their lives yet baulk at the idea of speaking to an audience
And others.
This is what one client said about the programme:
“‘Within only a few sessions, I felt the positive impacts of the programme and the fear of speaking disappearing which I didn’t think would be possible. I now feel more compelled to put myself forward for speaking opportunities which I would never have done so before. I can’t recommend the programme enough.’
-Sophie Taylor
If you would like to join Sophie in transforming the way you approach and experience public speaking in the future, do get in touch.