What’s Wrong, Can You Fix It?

This morning, a video came up on my youtube feed by the Canadian professor of psychology at Toronto University and clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson. Peterson is quite a well-known personality and his lecture recorded on youtube called “Clean Your Room” is famous for its down-to-earth profundity.

In that video, Peterson takes us from the notion that having a clean room and ‘fixing things up’ has a psychological impact on us and suggests that making our lives work better can start from the very small and seemingly innocuous.

He suggests that we can extend this idea out to the rest of our lives. What else can we fix - an act of getting ourselves together.

According to Peterson, how we see the world comes down in many ways to what we are aiming at. If we focus on the negative, then that is what we will see, taking into account the truth that sometimes we experience the unexpected which we have to find other ways to deal with.

Peterson is much more eloquent than I can be and I think his video is well worth watching, as well as the comments underneath by people who have taken his words on board and made changes in their lives.

Is there anything in it for you?

Here is the link


De-cluttering the Mind and Emotions


Win at Speaking