Breaking Through Yo Yo Dieting

I have been watching a TedX presentation called Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat given by Michelle May MD. She herself was a serial yo yo dieter until watching the way her husband and children ate led to some insights about the natural, instinctive way of eating we were born with and how to get back to that.

Some of the main points to come out of the video are that:

  • Instinctive eaters eat to live, eat when they need to eat only and also eat what they want. As a result, food doesn't have any power over them

  • They invest their energy living their lives

  • Others eat for triggers which includes every emotion, because it's there, because it's been paid for and so on. This means you feel like eating all the time

  • Eating cannot meet your other needs very well

This is often what I am working with; the needs that you are trying to meet through eating and how to either resolve the issue that is triggering the need or how to meet your needs in other ways - all of which your unconscious mind can help you with.

The presentation is so eloquent and clear that I will let it speak for itself.


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