How Many Sessions?

Unlike most other psychological therapies, some people come to hypnotherapy expecting that their issue will be resolved in a single session. Whilst there are times when a single session does exactly that, most issues require more.

I suspect this idea has emerged from shows on stage or on TV where a person is ‘hypnotised’ and they immediately respond by doing whatever is expected of them. Unfortunately, in many people’s minds, instant change is associated with anything to do with hypnosis.

Sadly, this gives a very false impression of the use of the state of hypnosis to carry out therapy (otherwise known as hypnotherapy). You can find out more about stage hypnosis in this article.

This kind of thing is for entertainment and the changes you witness, temporary. In therapy, we are looking for long-term change. Most issues are tied in with our emotions, thought processes and beliefs. So that you can make a change that lasts, we have to address these.

Having said that, hypnotherapy is known as a brief therapy. My experience shows that most issues can be resolved in 2 to 4 sessions. Some concerns may take a few more.

The exception to this is my treatment for stopping smoking. The nature of smoking means that making a complete break is best. With my approach, I help people prepare for stopping smoking before they come for their 2-hour session. Sometimes, someone will need more than 1 session and I include the possibility of taking a follow-up session with 6 months if needed.

So hypnotherapy is a brief therapy but expect that you will need more than one session to make the changes you want.


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