Flying Phobia and the Fear of Flying
Over the years that I have been working as a hypnotherapist, fear of flying has been one of the phobias I have treated most often.
Comfort Zone to Growth Zone
Recently, I watched a video on you tube by a young woman about getting out of your comfort zone and how she herself was doing this in her own life. I thought it was such a useful topic to cover as it is one with which we are all confronted.
Reviewing the Past
There are times when I need to review something from the past with a client. This might be because an event or events that took place in the client’s history had such a strong impact that they are still affected by it at an unconscious level in the present.
Strong Emotion and Belief
Our beliefs are formed in many ways throughout our lives. We have been influenced by our caretakers, teachers, religious leaders, peers and have made our own decisions about what we believe in different circumstances.
I Won’t Ever Get Over It
As I was looking through the BBC website today, my attention was taken by the headline “GB rider won’t ever get over back-flip crash”.
Fear of the Dentist…and Other Fears
Last week, I went to the dentist. In the course of the consultation and because my dentist knows what I do, we talked about how many people have a fear of going to the dentist.
Scared of Needles?
Owing to the pandemic, it is only a matter of time before everyone is offered the Covid-19 vaccination. This is all well and good but what if you have a fear of needles or indeed a full blown phobia?
New London Bridge / Borough Practice
I now practise from beautiful therapy rooms between London Bridge and Borough underground stations.
Help With Phobias
Someone once came to see me with a phobia of animals. That was any animal - live animals as well as dead ones and pictures of them in books.