Making A Gentle Decision
Many years ago, I stopped smoking. No nicotine patches, no hypnotherapy, no group therapy, no Alan Carr programme or any other programme. I just decided one day that the following day would be the day.
The Chemicals of Stress
You probably already know that long-term stress can harm your health. The body is perfectly geared up to handle stress - of the short-term kind
Three Ways Stress Can Affect the Brain and What You Can Do About It
Whilst most of us have some understanding or indeed experience of the effects of stress on the body, we may have less knowledge of the effects of stress on the brain.
Sleep, Relaxation, Hypnagogia
Some years ago, I used to teach short self-hypnosis courses - 2 hour sessions over 3 weeks. I taught people how to put themselves into a self-hypnotic state and how to use it to make the changes they wanted.
Relaxation and Guided Imagery
Starting on Sunday 6th March, I will be running free monthly 30 minute relaxation sessions online. These will be largely sessions of guided imagery.
The Importance of Appreciation
I have been reading the book “Time to Think: The Power of Independent Thinking” by Nancy Kline. In one chapter, she talks about how appreciation stabilises the heart and stimulates thinking what she calls good thinking that is productive.
Helping Social Anxiety
In a 1986 study, university students were asked to describe the kinds of situations that caused them to feel shy. A whopping 80% of them reported that talking to strangers and authority figures evoked this feeling in them.
Is It Stuck In the Past?
I am coming to the end of some training in Integral Eye Movement Therapy, a brief change model that allows you to dissociate from upsetting memories and process difficult emotions.
Comfort Zone to Growth Zone
Recently, I watched a video on you tube by a young woman about getting out of your comfort zone and how she herself was doing this in her own life. I thought it was such a useful topic to cover as it is one with which we are all confronted.
Reviewing the Past
There are times when I need to review something from the past with a client. This might be because an event or events that took place in the client’s history had such a strong impact that they are still affected by it at an unconscious level in the present.
Your Body and the Fight/Flight Response
Sweaty palms, racing heart, shortness of breath, knots in the stomach, inability to think clearly - these are just some of the indicators that your nervous system is in fight/flight mode.
Strong Emotion and Belief
Our beliefs are formed in many ways throughout our lives. We have been influenced by our caretakers, teachers, religious leaders, peers and have made our own decisions about what we believe in different circumstances.
Stress - Building Your Strengths
The term ‘stress’ was coined by the endocrinologist Hans Selye to describe ‘the non-specific response of the body to any demand‘. Selye noted on ward rounds that despite having different diagnoses, many patients would have certain symptoms in common.
Why Are You Here?
Stress dampens pleasure. In my opinion, we are not here to lead stressful lives but rather to grow and develop.
Stress Awareness Month - Your Inner Resources
One of the things that people may not think about too much in relation to stress is their inner resources. We tend to live compartmentalised lives.
April is Stress Awareness Month
When we say we are stressed, we generally mean we are feeling overwhelmed, trying to cope with things beyond our capacity to do so.
Covid-19 and Mental Health in the Over 50s
Recently, someone sent me this article from the Daily Mail on how the pandemic and its associated restrictions on our lives has impacted mental health. The study looked at people in the over 50 age group.
Anxious? How Can Being More Creative Help You?
At this time more than ever where restrictions are placed on our usual activities, our mental health can benefit from tapping into our creativity.
30 Minute Online Relaxation Sessions
Find out about the 30 minute relaxation sessions and follow-up recording I offer. Live session via Zoom or Skype.